Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Socialism for the Win

            The argument of this topic is the socialist support and effects of the Bernie Sanders outspoken and unfiltered presidential campaign from his socialism views and why a socialist approach will be a strong push for the white house and our generation with so much doubt in America’s future and economic status. “Sanders’ program may cost a lot of money. It may be socialistic. And it may require Congressional majorities that will be a long time coming. But Sanders has the loyalty of the kids because he is speaking truth”. I believe the Bernie Sanders socialist views are the voice of the lower and middle class working people, who want more support from the government on scratching issues like health care, higher education, and jobs in America. America in general is asking, pleading, and needing a chance at home in the U.S, not fighting with other countries and working on outsource issues.

Socialism is a very attractive topic to the younger adults, college students, and the middle working class.  The presidential candidate Sanders’ speaks, embraces, and pushes the envelope on the most controversial issues that the middle class America workers, students, and tax payers fight, struggle, and worry about on a daily bases. One issue is employer-paid health care insurance (which is a rare luxury now and days.) Mr. Sanders’ speaks about free universal health care for Americans. A second issue that gathers and engages younger adults/students is free college education. “So, when a candidate comes along calling for free college education and free universal health care, and far higher minimum wages, it sounds pretty fine. And if capitalism means the one percent making off with everything that isn’t nailed down, then maybe Sanders-style socialism is worth a try. So say the young.” –Robert Kuttner. In these times with inflation and spending more money and receiving less, the voice of reason comes into play with the socialism views of changes from Sanders word play of a different America.

The socialism way of thinking offers an outside the box appeal. Dose Bernie Sanders views and changes offer a quick fix to longing issues and also have a tingling sensation when we all hear about free universal health care, free to affordable college education, and higher job placement wages? Yes, it dose and it doesn’t take away from America and our government that we can’t have these changes but these issues aren’t spoken abroad and as openly as much as most of America would like and only seems to be an open issue from the socialist Sanders in the presidential campaign. That’s why Bernie Sanders has so many younger adults following his run for presidency because he’s the voice of the younger adults, reason, and common interest in change for America with his socialist aspect of the questions not being answer. 

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